MediCapilar carries out free hair examinations in several locations of the Portuguese mainland, the Portuguese Islands and Europe

What is the MediCapilar Examination?

MediCapilar’s method is characterized by always carrying out, in the first place, a personalized hair examination appointment.


During the Hair Examination a hair analysis is carried out by directly observing the scalp and hair using a dermatoscope. This device allows a microscopical analysis, both of the scalp and of the base of the follicle, thanks to the camera that amplifies the image up to 20 times.


After the hair analysis we diagnose the problem and present the most suitable solution for each specific case.

Why should you do a Hair Examination appointment with us?

The hair examination is fundamental, since it will allow us to analyse aspects such as the causes and the diagnostic of the hair loss, and to verify the existence of a donor area with enough follicular density for the hair transplant to be carried out.


After the personalized hair analysis, you will find out what you can do for the health of your hair. Our specialists will recommend the treatment that is most adapted to your hair problem and inform you regarding the cost of said procedure.

And what are the reasons to do all this?

  • You have nothing to lose

    Have you been noticing an accentuated hair loss? Are some parts of your scalp already hairless? We want you to get your confidence and self-esteem back!

  • Free Hair Examination

    The 1st Hair Examination Appointment is free, and without any commitment. Our objective is to understand what the problem is by carrying out a detailed and completely personalized diagnosis.

  • Adapted solutions and plans

    Get some information on what you can do for the health of your hair and on the costs of the procedure that is most adapted to your case.

  • Clarify any doubts

    There are no home remedies, tricks, products, or prayers that will bring your hair back. The pills, the capsules and the creams can help mitigate hair loss, but they don’t replace the hair. 

Still not convinced?

Find out how hair loss is a general problem and how it can be treated when one shows courage and takes the right steps. Yes, and the first step can be a hair examination. Take a look at the testimony of the actor António Camelier.

This is our secret formula for your hair problem!

Scheduling the Free Hair Examination Appointment

MediCapilar carries out free hair examinations in several locations of the Portuguese mainland, the Portuguese Islands and Europe. After scheduling, someone will be appointed to take care of you throughout the treatment.

Execution of the Hair Transplant

Only 1 day of surgery (average of 7 hours) | Intervention team – 5 elements. Procedure carried out based on the given medical diagnosis.

3 days of recovery

Rest from the comfort of your home, while following medical instructions. Don’t wash your hair for 3 days, moisturise with saline solution, don’t use scarves or hats, and avoid sun exposure.

Personalized Medical Supervision

Appointments to assess the evolution of the procedure. These appointments are scheduled on the 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th month. Their purpose is to check the evolution and the impact of the transplant that was executed. In other words, the objective is to analyse the scalp and the areas of the hair that were part of the process.


During the 18th month appointment, the patient is asked to give a testimony about the whole process, that is, to make a general assessment of the whole experience with MediCapilar (satisfaction, final results, the importance of the process, etc.).

Being happy with completely natural hair!

Mission accomplished. Rehabilitation of your hair health. Stronger, healthier, and complete hair, ready to last!

We offer adapted Financial Solutions

Easy Payment Terms

The prices of the clinical procedures are calculated based on the extension of the baldness and the number of follicular units that need to be transplanted.


Since our goal if for you to get the results that you want, we have at your disposal easy payment terms without interest up to 48 months starting at 102,08 €/month.


Schedule now your free hair examination without any commitment.


    You are one step away from changing your life.

    Book your free hair assessment
    without commitment

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      You are one step away from changing your life.

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