With MediCapilar, you will find the solution for your hair loss

What is considered as hair loss?

Hair loss is normal, since we lose, daily, around 50 to 100 strands of hair. However, if the hair loss is massive and located in one specific area, it’s recommended to seek the help of a hair health specialist.


MediCapilar carries out Hair Examination Appointments to assess your case and diagnose the hair problem that you may have developed. There are several causes for accentuated hair loss, as well as several degrees of hair loss. We guarantee the best diagnosis and the hair treatments that are most adapted to your case.

What are the main symptoms of hair loss?

Hair loss can appear in many ways, depending on the cause. It can appear suddenly or progressively. The signs and symptoms can include the following:

  • Gradual loss in the top of the head. This is the most common type of hair loss and it affects people as they age.

  • Round or irregular bald spots. Some people lose hair and round, or irregular bald spots appear on the scalp.

  • Sudden hair loss. A physical or emotional shock can lead to hair loss. In this case, hair may fall while it’s being brushed, or by pulling softly on it.

  • Total loss of hair. Some conditions and medical treatments such as chemotherapy may cause a total loss of hair.

  • Flaking spreading all over the scalp. Can be accompanied by “broken” hair, redness, swelling and sometimes bleeding.

What are the main causes of hair loss?

As mentioned before, this problem usually occurs when new hair doesn’t replace the hair that fell. It’s generally due to one or several of the following factors:


Family history (heredity). The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary disorder that occurs with ageing.


Hormonal changes and medical conditions. Several conditions can cause temporary or permanent hair loss, including hormonal changes during the pregnancy, labour, menopause, or due to thyroid problems.


Medication and supplements. Hair loss can be a side effect of some medications.


A stressful event. Many people notice a general decrease in hair thickness months after a physical or emotional shock.


What are the degrees of hair loss? Assess your level!

After knowing what it is and what the symptoms and causes are, it’s important to know the levels of hair loss and how they are qualified. They are the following:

Mild Hair Loss

Early loss, that can be easily camouflaged with the right hairdo. At this point, the hair loss is not important enough to consider hair surgery. If you still have doubts, schedule a Free Hair Examination Appointment near you.

Moderate Hair Loss

A significant enlargement of the middle line of the hair is verified, as well as a considerable decrease in hair volume. The hair transplant may be the most recommended treatment if the donor area in the nape and on the sides is stable. If you still have doubts, schedule a Free Hair Examination Appointment near you.

Severe Hair Loss

The scalp is visible through the hair. This hair loss is usually associated with a weakening of the hair. If you still have doubts, schedule a Free Hair Examination Appointment near you.

Hair Loss Prevention Tips

In most cases, baldness is caused by genetic factors (male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness). There is no prevention for this type of hair loss.


However, these prevention tips can help you avoid certain types of hair loss:

Be gentle with your hair.

Avoid aggressive treatments such has curling irons, straightening irons, hot oil treatments and perms. The same goes for aggressive brushes, headbands, etc.

Avoid self-medication when it comes to your hair.

Ask your doctor if any medication or supplements you are taking might cause hair loss.

Sun protection.

Protect your hair from sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet light.


If you have this hair problem, know that there is a solution. Whether it’s a hair transplant or the mesotherapy, we don’t leave your hair behind at MediCapilar. We want to help! Find out how.

A few words from those who have overcome their hair loss at MediCapilar

Take a look at the testimonies of those who have chosen MediCapilar to solve their hair problems.

Dr. João Raposo


The procedure wasn’t painful at all, I spent the whole time talking to the professionals, very open and cheerful. It doesn’t hurt, it’s not hard to do, you just wait for it to happen. Here, I know I was well treated.”

Frequently asked questions about hair loss

Is it normal to experience hair loss?

Hair loss is not a rare phenomenon, since the strands of hair have their own life cycle and a growth process during which they fall to make way for new strands of hair. This doesn’t mean we should not pay attention to signs that could indicate an abnormal hair loss.

What could be the origin of hair loss?

There can be several causes for hair loss, from hormonal changes, to stress, bad nutrition, weakened immune system or even ageing.

Does gender influence hair loss?

In the case of men, the cause for hair loss is mainly hereditary and the fact is that, upon reaching the age of 60, 2 out of 3 men suffer from hair loss. In the case of women, the cause can be the same; however, the loss happens in the central hairline on the top of the head and, in most cases, it’s only seasonal or triggered by hormonal changes.

What can we do to mitigate hair loss?

The best starting point is to schedule a Free Hair Examination without any commitment at the MediCapilar Clinic to find out what solution is the best for your case.

Any more doubts?

Clarify all your doubts in person, schedule now a  Avaliação Capilar Gratuita near you.


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