Mesotherapy: an effective hair treatment for your hair

Diminish hair loss, moisturise and strengthen your scalp.

What is the Mesotherapy?

The Mesotherapy is a hair treatment that consists in small infiltrations, at the level of the mesoderm, throughout the scalp, through which the strengthening complex is distributed, the latter being integrally used.


We thus administrate a compound that is rich in proteins, vitamins, amino acids, mineral salts, hair growth factors, antioxidant factors, among others, that will promote an intense and appropriate stimulation of the hair follicles, boosting as much as possible the production of hair with more strength and vitality, effectively fighting hair loss.

How is the Mesotherapy carried out?

The Mesotherapy is a hair treatment that consists in the progressive injection of substances and medication intradermically (at less than 4mm from the surface of the skin) in the scalp. This procedure is carried out in two steps. These steps are the following:



Hair Examination. This way, we can assess, without any commitment, what needs to be strengthened to reach the desired results.



Treatment report. Once the examination by the medical team is done, a session plan for the whole treatment is established.



Beginning of the treatment. Cleaning of the region to be treated.



Treatment sessions. Application of the substance directly in the scalp.

Since the procedure is executed directly in the scalp, the results are faster than with other medical treatments.

Advantages of the Mesotherapy in fighting the evolution of baldness:

What are the main reasons to do the Mesotherapy?

The Mesotherapy can be used both in patients who have already done a hair transplant and in patients who wish to delay the evolution of their baldness. Its main advantages are:

  • It’s not a painful treatment.
    The needles used for the injection are the thinnest in the market, which makes it a very tolerable procedure and we use strategies to make sure it’s the least painful possible, practically painless.
  • The procedure is very quick. The mesotherapy sessions are really short and can only last 10-15 minutes. This way, they can be carried out at any time of the day and there is no need to take a day off to do the treatment.
  • Available for men and women. Even tough this hair treatment is generally associated with women, the mesotherapy is also available for men, to give them stronger and revitalized hair.
  • Quick results. During the first 4 or 5 months the great results of this treatment start to appear.
  • No surgical procedure is required. The application of the treatment is extremely easy and doesn’t require any kind of surgical intervention, which means it doesn’t require any rest, and you will be able to go on with your life without any problems after each session.
  • It can be complemented by other treatments. If you wish to complement the mesotherapy with other treatments (event though it’s not necessary), you can absolutely do it.

A few words from those who have done a Mesotherapy

Rayane Ribeiro


“If my hair is beautiful, I feel powerful. At MediCapilar, I found the solution for fantastic hair after my pregnancy: the Mesotherapy.”

Frequently asked questions about the Mesotherapy

Is an examination necessary before beginning the Mesotherapy Hair Treatment?

The Mesotherapy Hair Treatment is an exclusively medical treatment, which is why it requires, in the first place, a Hair Examination, during which each case will be thoroughly analysed. Only then, will we decide which substances must be administered according to the case in question.

What are the advantages of the Mesotherapy?

The direct pharmacological action of the administered substances and the stimulation caused by the collagen are one of the advantages of the Mesotherapy, besides the fact that this treatment enables the prevention of hair loss both in men and women.

How does the Mesotherapy work?

By injecting the agents directly in the scalp, we are able to take full advantage of all the active substances. And so, we obtain faster and more effective results.

What is the necessary frequency for the Mesotherapy to work?

The treatment is usually planed as 1 session per week during 7 weeks + 1 session per month during 3 months, but it can be adapted to the specific situation of the patient.

Is it necessary to repeat the Mesotherapy treatment?

Ideally, it should be repeated every 18 months or every 2 years, a monthly frequency being then implemented from the moment these “boosters” start.

What precautions must be taken after doing the Mesotherapy?

It’s usually not a technique that causes serious side effects, but it’s possible for the patient to feel a little pain or a mild inflammation after the session. In that case, an anti-inflammatory cream will be recommended to ease the symptoms. In any case, following the medical instructions is always the way to go.

How much does the Mesotherapy cost?

In the end, it will always be an investment, but with the certainty that the results will be beneficial for the hair health. Besides, it’s one of the most affordable hair treatments.

Any more doubts?

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