Hair Transplant: everything you need to know!

The first step to get your hair back starts here.

What is a hair transplant?

The hair transplant is a treatment that consists in the progressive replanting of the hair. It’s a procedure during which the hair is removed from certain areas where the hair never falls (due to its genetic code), such as the lateral areas of the head and the nape (donor areas) and is transferred to areas affected by baldness (recipient areas).


After the procedure, the hair will remain in the recipient area for the same period of time that it would have remained in its original place, keeping the same colour and the same characteristics it had in the original area.


The hair transplant is carried out under local anaesthesia and is painless. The results are definitive and highly satisfying since the extracted follicles will grow naturally in their new location.

Who is eligible for a hair transplant?

The hair transplant is available for men and women with healthy hair. It must take into account the size of the area that needs to be treated: the size of the bald area or of the area with very fine hair will determine the number of follicles that will be necessary for a natural covering.


The people who can do a hair transplant are:


– People who suffer from continuous hair loss, especially men with an advanced or average degree of baldness;

– Women experiencing hair loss due to hormonal problems;

– People with baldness caused by scars (burns) or hair diseases.


To be noted that there must always be a preliminary examination done by a dermatologist (specialized in hair diseases) to have a definitive diagnosis and exclude some pathologies (diseases) that may be incompatible with the hair transplant.

How is a Hair Transplant carried out?

1. Before any hair transplant procedure, a first examination appointment is necessary to assess the patient’s case in detail;


2. During this examination, the specialist will establish a complete health history, and assess the degree and evolution of the baldness, as well as the quality and quantity of the donor area;


3. The specialist will also study the hair implantation lines, to understand what method should be used. Based on all of this, he will determine the right moment to do the hair transplant;


4. Regarding the procedure, the preoperative process, or preparation, for the hair transplant is usually simple and only requires blood tests to check for a possible problem.


The procedure can be summed up in 6 steps:

Identificação das zonas dadoras


1. Identification of the donor areas (areas with healthy follicles) and recipient areas (areas affected by hair loss);

Aplicação de anestesia local na área dadora


2. Application of local anaesthesia in the donor area;

Extração de unidades foliculares


3. Small incisions around the healthy follicles;

Extração de unidades foliculares


4. Extraction of follicular units;

Colheita e preservação


5. Gathering and preservation;

Implantação das unidades foliculares saudáveis nas zonas recetoras


6. Implantation of the healthy follicular units in the recipient areas.

FUE Method (Follicular Unit Extraction)

At MediCapilar we use the method that has proven to be the most effective and that creates satisfying results, in this case the FUE.

This technique is currently the one that is most used worldwide, offering excellent results that show through a natural look. The hair follicles are directly extracted from the donor area through multiple small incisions.

Advantages of doing a hair transplant

Taking into account all the innovation behind the technique, the main advantages of the hair transplant are:

  • Getting your hair back.

    The first advantage is, without a doubt, an aesthetic one. From the moment someone doesn’t feel good about their appearance, they will be limited every day in their actions and in the comfort and satisfaction they experience while executing said actions. Giving back their aesthetic comfort to our patients is our priority!

  • Simple procedure

    Even though it’s a long and defining procedure, it’s quite simple and effective. If everything goes well, you will only require one intervention and your hair will be restored.

  • Economical

    We want the hair transplant to be available for everyone, regardless of their financial capacity, since it’s a procedure that makes a difference in our patients’ lives. We offer several forms of payment to allow any patient to have access to this service.

  • We use your hair

    Considering that the hair transplant is a procedure that uses the patient’s follicles, there is no risk of rejection of the transplanted follicles.

  • Homogeneity

    The hair transplant ensures a uniform distribution of your hair, thus ensuring a natural look. We also choose the follicles that are going to be used in the frontal area (frontal hairline) carefully so as to respect the structure of your face.

Most frequent fears and doubts regarding the hair transplant.

Is the hair transplant painful?

The hair transplant is painless and aims at being minimally invasive. It’s done under local anaesthesia and the recovery is quick.

How many sessions are necessary? What is the average duration of a hair transplant?

The number of sessions depends on the type and degree of baldness. However, the hair transplant using the FUE method is carried out in one day, and lasts on average 7 hours.

How long does it take to recover? What precautions should be taken?

When a hair transplant is done , the medical professionals make sure the recovery time is as short as possible. During the days following the procedure you will just need to take some simple precautions.
At the beginning, a few small scabs will appear in the recipient areas. The healing process is complete after 3 to 4 days and no linear scar will be visible. While the scabs remain, the hair must be washed daily with recommended products.

After that, the patient can resume his regular habits. However, until then, efforts (ex: Physical Exercise) should be avoided.

“Post-surgical” pain can be managed with painkillers, antibiotics, or anti-inflammatory medication, during the 2 or 3 first days. The recovery is immediate, and no bandages are required.

When do the results of the Hair Transplant start to show?

Approximately 90% of the hair will fall within the first 3 to 5 weeks. This is a natural process that happens after the transplant. After four months, the “new” hair will grow.

On average, the hair will grow 1 cm per month. After six months, the patient will already notice a significant difference; he(she) will start to see hair where there was only skin before.

12 months after the transplant, the final result is already visible.

How long does the transplanted hair last? Will it look natural?

Almost all (95%) the implanted hair will last for the rest of the patient’s life, as long as medical supervision and post-surgical treatment are maintained through dermatology appointments. As mentioned above, we expect the hair to grow with a natural and uniform look.

Will the hair grow back in the donor area?

Given that the entire follicular unit is removed, it’s not possible for hair to grow back with precision in that spot. However,the technique we use is very precise and doesn’t “show” a reduction of density in the donor area.

Is it possible for a problem to occur after the Hair Transplant?

Complications linked to the hair transplant are not frequent, but they can occur. Possible complications are:

  • Haemorrhages
  • Numbness/ Lack of sensibility
  • Scalp infection
  • Abnormal scars.

What is the price of a Hair Transplant?

The price varies depending on the degree of baldness of the patient, as well as the chosen procedure. Considering the easy payment terms, or even the final price, it’s a procedure that can be considered as “cheap”, given its benefits for the hair health and well-being of the patient.

What’s the difference between a Hair Transplant and an Implant?

With the hair transplant, the follicles are extracted from the patient and implanted in the necessary areas (most common and frequent method). Regarding the hair implant, artificial strands of hair are used in the area that needs to be “populated” (less common but can be done in some places).

Diana Tavares

33 years old – Porto

“I’m very happy with the transplant, I feel more beautiful. I feel like I boosted my self-esteem, and that was also noticed by people around me since they have been complementing me as well.”

Francisco Macau

33 years old – Lisbon

“I had a lot of hair loss and I decided that it was time to change, I did some research and I chose MediCapilar because they made me feel at home. Everyone was very welcoming and that shows what great professionals the members of this team are.”

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